
Anna Dąbrowska

Anna conducts courses on human rights, anti-discrimination and cultural sensitivity.

Anna Dąbrowska is a graduate of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She completed a trainer course of the NGO Trainers’ Association (STOP). Between 2005 and 2008 she worked with the „Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN” (“Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre”) association and the Akademia Obywatelska (Civic Academy) programme.

She has been in Homo Faber since 2005 and has served as its president since 2011.
She is coordinating “Program Integracja” (“Programme Integration”), where she works on creating systemic integration solutions on the local level.  Between 2009 and 20017 she was a coordinator of the “Witamy w Lublinie” (“Welcome to Lublin”) project, whose main goal was testing the migrant integration tools on the city level. She is currently continuing to work on the above-mentioned projects while acting as the leader of the Civic Dialogue Commission for the Integration of Migrants in Lublin, an advisory body of the Lublin City Mayor.

Anna conducts courses on human rights, anti-discrimination and cultural sensitivity. For many years she has worked with the Provincial Police Headquarters, Lublin City Police Headquarters, and Border Guard Nadbużański Region Formation, teaching officers about human rights.

Since 2016 she has been working with the Association of Ukrainians in Poland (Przemyśl branch) and a member of Zbigniew Hołda Association. She is working on a Doctoral thesis on the integration of immigrants from Ukraine in Poland.

Anna is the recipient of an award from the Janina Paradowska and Jerzy Zimowski Foundation for 2018 and was selected as the Volunteer of the Year of the Lublin Region in 2021

She is also an authoress of the blog “Kręgi Obcości” (“Circles of Strangeness”).



Inspektor Ochrony Danych Osobowych:
r. pr. Małgorzata Ganczar
