
Welcome to Lublin

Welcome to Lublin - activity package for those who are starting to live here.

We have some experience in welcoming and guiding. The first time we undertook this difficult art of telling people about the city, inviting them to live in it and supporting them in their first steps was in 2009. Back then, the foreigners who benefited from a wide range of assistance were mainly students, they were here for a while, for the duration of their studies, a small part of them planned to stay in Lublin.

In 2023, we welcome them again. But a lot has changed. Thanks to the financial support of The Refugee Hub, since September we have been operating with the Welcoming package - a set of activities that supports, helps, guides and teaches. What does it include?

  • Guided walks. We'll be giving tours of Lublin and showing important, interesting, inspiring and sometimes just funny places. We'll walk, but we'll also get on bikes, go for a run, take a bus. We will walk along the main axis of Lublin, visit cultural institutions, see places of recreation and sports. And if you share your idea for getting to know the city, we will also implement it.
  • Presentations. We invite you every third Saturday of the month, at 12: p.m, for a presentation about life in Lublin. In one hour we will show dozens of useful facts about life in the city. We will answer questions and inspire you to explore further.
  • Workshops and lectures. There are things that require deeper knowledge to feel more included, such as filling out documents, participating in the civic budget, etc. We will invite you to lectures that will provide knowledge, and then, during workshops, we will move on to practice.
  • Table. We will regularly invite you to join us at the table, where we will not only discover new flavors, but also talk, get to know each other. And the food? We'll cook it ourselves during workshops.
  • Anti-discrimination Hub, that is, support in cases of experiencing hate speech, discrimination, violence. Perhaps some institution will treat you badly, or even refuse to help. Our multicultural team will listen to you, investigate the case, show possible solutions. You can read more about the DETAILS OF ASSISTANCE.


The "Welcome to Lublin" project is funded by The Refugee Hub.

