
Child protection policy

Legislation on which the Standards for the Protection of Minors in the Homo Faber Association are based: 


  1. Act of 13 May 2016 on counteracting the threat of sexual offences and protection of minors (Polish Journal of Laws 2023, item 1304 as amended); 
  2. Act of July 28, 2023 on amending the Act - Family and Guardianship Code and certain other acts (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1606); 
  3. Act of July 29, 2005 on counteracting domestic violence (i.e. Journal of Laws 2021, item 1249); 
  4. Act of June 6, 1997. - Criminal Code (i.e. OJ of 2022, item 1138, as amended); 
  5. Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 1991 No. 120 item 526 as amended); 
  6. Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 6, 2023 on the "Blue Card" procedure and "Blue Card" form templates apply (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1870). 



Whenever the following Standards refer without further specification to

  1. The representatives of the HF Association - the President or two members of the Board or the Agent of the Homo Faber Association; 
  2. HF Association – this should be understood as Homo Faber Association;
  3. Employee – this should be understood as a person employed under an employment contract or civil contract, voluntary contract at the Homo Faber Association; 
  4. Partner cooperating with HF Association – this should be understood as persons performing commissioned tasks on the Association premises under separate regulations (such as an employee of the Partner, photographer and other persons); 
  5. Minor – in accordance with the Civil Code, this should be understood as a person from birth to 18 years of age; 
  6. Minor’s guardian – this should be understood as the person entitled to represent and legislate for the minor, in particular his legal guardian; 
  7. Legal guardian – this should be understood as a parent or legal guardian having full parental or legal authority (a person representing the child, appointed by the court, in a situation where the parents are not entitled to parental authority or when the parents are dead); 
  8. Consent of the minor’s guardian – this should be understood as the consent of at least one of the minor’s guardians. However, if there is no agreement between the minor's guardians, they should be informed about the need for the family court to resolve the matter; 
  9. Harming a minor – it should be understood as committing a prohibited or punishable act to the detriment of a minor by any person, including an Association employee, or a threat to the minor's well-being, including neglect. It is: 
  1. physical violence – an intentional bodily harm, inflicting pain, or threatening bodily harm. The consequences of physical violence can include fractures, bruises, cuts, burns, internal injuries, among others. Physical violence causes or may cause loss of health or be a threat to life,  
  2. emotional violence – repeated humiliation, ridicule of a minor, constant criticism, involving a minor in an adult conflict, manipulating him/her, lack of appropriate support, placing demands and expectations on a minor that he/she is unable to meet, 
  3. sexual violence – engaging a minor in sexual activity by an adult. Sexual abuse refers to behavior with physical contact (e.g. touching a minor, having sex with a minor) and behavior without physical contact (e.g. showing pornographic materials to a minor, voyeurism, exhibitionism) 
  4. economic violence – failure to provide appropriate conditions for a child's development, including: adequate nutrition, clothing, educational needs or shelter, within the resources available to parents or guardians. This is one from forms of neglect, 
  5. neglect – failure to meet basic material and emotional needs of the minor by the parent or legal guardian, failure to provide him/her with adequate food, clothes, shelter, medical care, safety, lack of supervision over the fulfillment of compulsory schooling; 
  1. Minor’s personal data – this should be understood as any information enabling the identification of a minor benefiting from the activities of the HF Association; 
  2. Person in charge of Standards for the protection of minors – this should be understood as designated by the President of the Board of the HF, the employee who supervises the implementation of these standards; 
  3. The person in charge of the Internet use and minors’ cyberprotection – this should be understood as an employee designated by the President of the HF Board, who supervises the use of the Internet by minors in the computer lab and the safety of minors on the Internet during classes. 



§ 1

  1. Rules for safe employee recruitment :
  1. Before establishing an employment relationship with a person or before allowing a person to engage in other activities related to the education, recreation of minors or taking care of them, the representatives of the Association obtain information whether this person's data is included in the Register with limited access or in the Register of persons in relation to whom the State Commission for Counteracting Sexual Abuse of Minors under 15 years of age has issued a decision on including their data in the Register
  2. the representatives of the HF Association obtain information from the Register with restricted access through the ICT system maintained by the Minister of Justice. First, an account must be created in the ICT system. The account is subject to activation by the information office; 
  3. the register of persons, for whom the State Commission for Counteracting Sexual Abuse of Minors under 15 years of age has issued a decision on entry in the Register, is open to the public - no account creation is required; 
  4. having received the feedback from the ICT system, representatives of the HF Association shall print and file in Part A of the personnel file, related to the establishment of the employment relationship. The same applies to the Register of persons in respect of whom the State Commission for Counteracting Sexual Abuse of Minors under 15 years of age has issued a decision on entry in the Register. With the latter Registry, it is enough to print out a web page that states that the person is not on the Registry; 
  5. representatives of the HF Association shall be provided by the candidate with information from the National Criminal Register about the lack of criminal record; 
  6. if the candidate has citizenship other than Polish then he/she should also submit criminal record information of the country of which he/she is a citizen, obtained for the purposes of professional or volunteer activities related to contact with minors, or criminal record information if the law of that country does not provide for the issuance of information for the above-mentioned purposes; 
  7. representatives of the HF Association collect from the candidate a statement about the country/countries (other than the Republic of Poland) where he/she has resided in the last 20 years under pain of criminal liability; 
  8. if the jurisdiction of the country from which the information on criminal record is to be submitted does not provide for the issuance of such information or does not maintain a criminal record, then the candidate shall submit, under pain of criminal liability, a statement to that effect, together with a declaration that he or she has not been validly convicted and that no other judgment has been issued against him or her stating that he or she has committed such criminal acts, and that he or she is not under any obligation arising from a judgment of a court, other authorized body or the law, to comply with the prohibition to hold any or certain positions, to practice any or certain professions or activities, related to the upbringing, education, recreation, treatment, provision of psychological counseling, spiritual development, sports or the pursuit of other interests by minors, or to the care of minors; 
  9. under the statements made under the pain of criminal liability, the following statement shall be made: I am aware of the criminal liability for making a false statement. This statement replaces the authority's instruction on criminal liability for making a false statement.
  1. A template for the declaration of no criminal record and pending preliminary, judicial and disciplinary proceedings is attached as Appendix 1 to these Standards. 


§ 2

  1. Rules for safe relationships between Association staff and minors
  1. the basic principle of all activities undertaken by the Association staff is to act for the good of the minor and in his or her interest. Staff treat the minor with respect and take into account his or her dignity and needs. It is unacceptable to use violence against minors in any form
  2. the principles of safe relationships between Association staff and minors apply to all Association employees, trainees and volunteers
  3. knowledge and acceptance of the rules are confirmed by signing a declaration, a template of which is attached as Appendix 2 to these Standards. 
  1. HF Association employee is obliged to maintain a professional relationship with minors and each time considering whether his/her reaction, message or action towards the minor are appropriate in a given situation, safe, reasonable and fair to other minors. 
  2. HF Association employee in contact with minors: 
  1. is patient and treats the minor with respect; 
  2. listens carefully to minors and tries to provide them with answers adjusted to the situation and their age;
  3. does not embarrass the minor, does not disrespect, humiliate or insult him/her;  
  4. does not shout unless a dangerous situation requires it (e.g. warning);  
  5. does not disclose sensitive information about the minor, his or her image to unauthorized persons. 
  1. Decisions regarding a minor should always take into account his or her expectations, but also the safety of other minors. 
  2. The minor has the right to privacy. 
  3. HF Association employee is not allowed to make inappropriate jokes, use profanity, make offensive gestures or say anything sexual in the presence of minors. 
  4. HF Association employee must not take advantage of physical strength or use threats. 
  5. HF Association employee is obliged to treat minors equally, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, etc. 
  6. The HF Association employee is obliged to keep the confidential information, regarding health, developmental and educational needs, psychophysical capabilities, sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs or worldviews of minors.
  7. HF Association employee may not record images of minors for private or professional purposes, unless the minor's guardian has given consent to it.


§ 3

HF Association employee is strictly prohibited to (under penalty, including imprisonment and loss of job): 

  1. enter into a sexual relationship with a minor; 
  2. make sexual and pornographic proposals to the minor, including sharing such content; 
  3. offer minors alcohol, tobacco products and other stimulants (drugs, the so-called legal highs).


§ 4

  1. Persons coordinating activities dedicated to minors are obliged to present to minors the Standards for the Protection of Minors applicable in the Association and assure them that they will receive appropriate assistance and help. 
  2. If an employee notices disturbing behavior or a situation, he/she is obliged to follow the instructions in the Standards. In the case of sensitive matters where there is a suspicion of non-compliance with the Standards, he/she is obliged to inform the HF Association representatives about the situation (e.g. minor's infatuation with an employee, or an employee's infatuation with a minor).


§ 5

  1. Any violent behavior towards a minor is prohibited. 
  2. The minor cannot be pushed, beaten, poked, touched in a way that could be misinterpreted, etc. 
  3. Physical contact with a minor can never be implicit or hidden, or involve any gratification or be a result of power relations 
  4. The employee should not engage in games such as tickling, pretend fighting, brutal physical play, etc. 
  5. An employee who is aware that a minor has suffered some harm, e.g. physical or sexual abuse, is obliged to remain particular caution in contacts with the minor, showing understanding and sensitivity. 
  6. It is unacceptable for an employee to sleep in the same bed or room with a minor during Association trips. 
  7. In justified cases, physical contact between an employee and a minor is permitted. Such situations include: 
  1. assisting a minor with a disability in hygiene activities, if the type of disability requires it and the minor / his guardian agrees; 
  2. assisting a minor with a disability to move around the premises of the HF Association.


§ 6

  1. Contact with minors not regarding the realization of project and statutory activities of HF Asociation is generally prohibited. 
  2. It is not allowed to invite minors to their place of residence, meetings with the minor or his/her guardian should take place at the HF Association, and exits outside the Association premises requires a consent of minor’s guardian. 
  3. If it is necessary to contact a minor, guardian or teacher outside the Association's working hours (9:00-19:00), the following means are allowed:
  1. work phone;
  2. work e-mail;
  3. electronic communicator (with the consent of minor’s guardian) 
  1. If an employee needs to meet a minor outside the Association's working hours (or his or her guardian), the HF Association representatives must be informed about this fact, and the guardian must consent to such contact. 
  2. If an employee has a family or social relationship with a minor or his or her guardian, he or she is obliged to maintain full confidentiality, in particular to keep confidential matters relating to other minors, their guardians and Association employees. 
  3. Employees of the HF Association do not contact children through private communication channels, do not have private conversations with children using social media. Employees and associates may conduct group correspondence with children via instant messaging only with the consent of legal guardians.
  4. If the child himself or herself starts a private conversation using social media, the employee shall not continue the conversation and shall instruct the child to report to him at his place of duty or using official remote communication channels. This rule does not apply to situations of (even potential) danger to the child's life and health. In such a case, the employee may continue the conversation, but shall at the same time notify the persons authorized to represent the HF Association about the contact with the child and the reasons for this contact.



  1. HF Association employees have knowledge and performing their duties, they pay attention to risk factors for harming minors, such as:
  1. the minor is often dirty and smells unpleasant;
  2. the minor steals food, money, etc.; 
  3. the minor is begging - the minor is hungry;
  4. the minor does not receive necessary medical care, vaccinations, glasses, etc.;
  5. the minor does not have school supplies, clothing and shoes necessary for the weather conditions;
  6. the minor has visible injuries (bruises, bites, wounds), the origin of which is difficult to explain; injuries are in various stages of healing;
  7. the minor's explanations for the injuries seem unreliable, impossible, inconsistent, etc., the minor often changes his/her explanations;
  8. the minor is reluctant to take physical education lessons – he/she covers his/her body excessively, inappropriate to the situation and weather;
  9. the minor is afraid of the parent or guardian, afraid to return home;
  10. the minor flinches when an adult approaches him/her;
  11. the minor suffers from recurring somatic ailments: abdominal pain, headaches, nausea, etc.;
  12. the minor is passive, withdrawn, submissive, scared, depressed, etc. or behaves aggressively, rebels, commits acts of self-harm, etc.;
  13. the minor achieves weaker results in relation to his/her abilities;the minor escapes into the virtual world (computer games, Internet);
  14. the minor uses psychoactive substances;
  15. the minor excessively seeks contact with an adult (the so-called "stickiness" of a minor);
  16. sexual elements/motives begin to dominate in the minor's artistic works, conversations and behavior;
  17. the minor is sexually aroused inappropriate to the situation and age;
  18. the minor runs away from home;
  19. there is a sudden and obvious change in the minor's behavior;
  20. the minor talks about violence.       
  1. If specific behaviors of parents or guardians coexist with the minor's symptoms, the suspicion that the minor is being harmed is particularly justified. Disturbing behaviors of parents include: 
  1. the parent (guardian) provides inconclusive or contradictory information or refuses to explain the causes of the minor's injuries;
  2. the parent (guardian) refuses and does not maintain contact with association’s employees interested in the minor's fate;
  3. the parent (guardian) talks about the minor in a negative way, constantly blames, humiliates and scolds the student (e.g. using terms such as "idiot", "bug", "brat");
  4. the parent (guardian) subjects the minor to severe discipline or is overprotective or too lenient or rejects the minor;
  5. the parent (guardian) is not interested in the fate and problems of the minor;
  6. the parent (guardian) is often unable to provide the place where the minor is currently staying;
  7. the parent (guardian) is apathetic, depressed;
  8. parent (guardian) behaves aggressively;
  9. the parent (guardian) has disturbed contact with reality, e.g. reacts inadequately to the situation;
  10. the parent (guardian) speaks inconsistently;
  11. the parent (guardian) is unaware of or denies the minor's needs;
  12. the parent (guardian) favors one of the siblings;
  13. the parent (guardian) exceeds permissible limits in physical or verbal contact;
  14. the parent (guardian) abuses alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances.   
  1. If HF Association employees identify risk factors, they should start a conversation with parents, provide them with information about the available support from the Association and motivate to seek appropriate help. 
  2. HF Association employees monitor the student's situation and well-being. 



§ 1

  1. Intervention draft in case of suspected abuse of a minor by employee or third parties related to the School, i.e. volunteers, organizations and companies cooperating with the School: : 
  1. if an employee suspects that a minor is experiencing violence resulting in damage to health, sexual abuse or that his or her life is in danger, the employee is obliged to provide the minor with a safe place and separate him or her from the person posing a threat. The employee is obliged to notify the police (112 or 997), and in case of suspicion of other crimes, to inform the police or prosecutor's office about the possibility of committing a crime. In the case of a telephone notification, the employee is obliged to provide his/her data, the minor's data and the data of the person suspected of harming the minor, as well as a description of the situation with the most important facts. In the case of a mail/post notification about the possibility of committing a crime, the notification is addressed to the nearest unit, and the information is provided in the same way as in the case of a telephone notification; 
  2. if an employee suspects that the minor has experienced one-time physical or mental violence (e.g. pushing, slapping, humiliation, ridicule), the employee is obliged to ensure the minor's safety and separate him/her from the person responsible for the act. Then he/she should notify the HF Assosiation representation so that she can end cooperation with the abusive person; 
  3. if the employee notices other disturbing behavior towards minors, e.g. shouting, inappropriate comments, he/she is obliged to ensure the minor's safety and separate him/her from the suspected person. Then he/she should inform the HF Association representation so that she can conduct a disciplinary conversation, and, if necessary, terminate cooperation. 
  1. Intervention draft in case of suspicion of abuse of a minor by a minor: 
  1. if the employee suspects that the minor is experiencing violence, sexual abuse or his/her life is in danger, the employee is obliged to provide the minor with a safe place and separate him/her from the person posing a threat. Moreover, the employee notifies the intervention team to conduct an interview, and if this is not possible, he/she himself conducts an interview with the minor's guardians and a minor suspected of a prohibited act. At the same time, the employee notifies the nearest family court or the police by sending a notification about the possibility of committing a crime, providing data as in the case described in § 1 section 1;  
  2. if an employee suspects that a minor has experienced one-time physical or mental violence from a minor, the employee is obliged to ensure the minor's safety and separate him or her from the person responsible for the act. Moreover, he/she notifies the Association representatives to conduct an interview, and if this is not possible, the employee conducts the interview himself/herself with the guardians of the minor and the suspected minor and develops corrective actions. If there is no improvement, the employee notifies the local family court by sending an application for insight into the family's situation.  
  1. Intervention draft in case of suspicion of abuse of a minor by a parent/legal guardian: 
  1. if an employee suspects that a minor has experienced one-time physical or mental violence from a parent/legal guardian, the employee is obliged to ensure the minor's safety. In addition, he/she notifies the intervention team to conduct an interview, and if it is impossible, the employee is obliged to conduct interview with the minor's parents/legal guardians himself/herself. The employee informs parents/legal guardians about the possibility of providing psychological support. In the event of the guardian's lack of cooperation or repeated violence, the employee is obliged to notify the appropriate social welfare center (in writing or by e-mail), and at the same time submits an application to the family court for insight into the family's situation; 
  2. if an employee suspects that a minor is neglected or his or her guardian is ineffective, the employee should take care of the minor's safety. He/she should notify the Association representation and talk to the parents/legal guardians, advising psychological support and the possibility of material support. If the minor's situation does not improve, the employee is obliged to notify the social welfare center. 


§ 2

  1. In each case of noticing abuse of a minor, it is necessary to complete the Intervention Form, the template of which is attached as Appendix nr 3. 
  2. The form is attached to the minor's personal file. In case of suspicion towards an employee, also to the personal file of the HF Association employee. 



§ 1

The personal data of a minor are protected under the principles set out in the Act dated May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data and the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)


  1. HF Association employee is obliged to keep secret the personal data he/she processes and to keep secret the methods of securing personal data against unauthorized access. 
  2. The minor's personal data can be shared only with authorized persons and entities upon separate regulations
  3. an employee of the HF Association is authorized to process the minor's personal data and share it with the interdisciplinary team. 


§ 2

HF Association employee may use information about a minor for training or educational purposes only while maintaining the minor's anonymity and in a way that prevents the minor from being identified. 


§ 3

  1. HF Association employee does not provide information about the minor or his/her guardian to media representatives. 
  2. The HF Association, in exceptional and justified situations, may contact minor's parent/guardian and ask him/her for consent to provide his/her contact details to media representatives. If consent is given, the Association employee provides the media representative with contact info of the minor's parent/guardian. 
  3. The Association employee does not contact media representatives with a minor, nor does he or she speak to media representatives about the case of the minor or his/her parent/guardian. This also applies to situations when a School employee is convinced that his/her statement is not recorded in any way. 


§ 4


  1. In order to record media material, selected rooms of the HF Association may be made available to the media representatives. The decision on making the room available is made by the Association representatives. 
  2. When making the decision referred to in the preceding point, the representatives of the HF Association instruct the appointed employee to prepare a selected room in order to record media material in a way that will prevent filming of minors staying at the School. 



§ 1

The HF Association employees recognizing the minor's right to privacy and protection of personal rights, ensure that the minor's image will be protected.  


§ 2

  1. An employee of the HF Asociation is not allowed to allow media representatives to record the image of a minor (i.e. filming, photographing) on the School premises without the written consent of the minor's parent/guardian. 
  2. In order to obtain the consent of the minor's parent/guardian to record the minor's image, HF Association employee may contact the minor's parent/guardian regarding this matter. 
  3. It is not allowed to provide a media representative with the contact information of a minor's guardian without the knowledge and consent of that guardian. 
  4. If the image of a minor is only a detail of a whole, such as a gathering, landscape, or public event, the consent of the guardians to record the image of the minor is not required.  


§ 3


  1. Publication of the minor’s image recorded by a HF Association employee in any form (i.e. photography, audio-video recording) requires the written consent of the minor's guardian. 


§ 4

Our values:

  1. Our actions are guided by responsibility and caution towards capturing, processing, using and publishing images of children. 
  2. Sharing photos and videos of our activities serves to celebrate children's successes, document our activities, and always keeps children's safety in mind. We use photos/recordings showing a wide cross-section of children - boys and girls, children of different ages, talents, fitness levels and representing different ethnic groups. 
  3. Children have the right to decide whether their image will be recorded and how it will be used by us.  


§ 5

Security of minors' images:

  1. We avoid signing photos/recordings with information that identifies the child by name. If it is necessary to sign the child we use only the first name. 
  2. Resignation from disclosing any sensitive information about the child regarding, among other things, health, financial situation, legal situation and related to the child's image. 
  3. Reduce the risk of copying and inappropriate use of children's photos/recordings by adopting rules: 
  1.  all children in the photo/recording must be clothed, and the photo/recording situation does not demean, ridicule or show the child in a negative context, 
  2. photos/recordings of children should focus on children's activities and, if possible, depict children in a group rather than individuals. 
  1. Cancellation of publication of photos of children for whom we no longer have custody, if they or their parents/legal guardians have not consented to the use of photos after leaving the HF Association.


§ 6

Storage of photos and recordings 

  1. We store materials containing children's images in a way that is legal and safe for children.
  2. Electronic media containing photos and recordings are stored in a protected folder with access limited to those authorized by the HF Associations. The media will be kept for the period required by the law on archiving and/or the period established by the facility in its data protection policy. 
  3. We do not store electronic materials containing images of children on non-encrypted or mobile media, such as cell phones. 
  4. We do not give permission for employees to use personal recording devices (i.e., cell phones, cameras, camcorders) to record images of children.  
  5. The only equipment we use is recording equipment belonging to the HF Association.



§ 1

  1. The HF Association provides access to the Internet only during classes under the supervision of a teacher and takes steps to protect minors from content that may pose a threat to their proper development.  
  2. Rules for safe use of the Internet and electronic media: 
  1. the HF Association provides staff and minors with Internet access during class time and computer room hours;
  2. the network is monitored by an employee or trainee/volunteer; 
  3. the network is secured in accordance with the applicable Standards for the Protection of Minors. A person designated by the Association representatives is responsible for IT security. This person's duties include, among others: 
  1. securing the HF Association's network from dangerous content, 
  2. software installation and update, 
  3. checking, at least once a month, if there is no dangerous content on computers with unlimited access to the internet used by minors. If dangerous content is found, a designated employee tries to determine who used a given computer when dangerous content was watched/download. A designated employee informs the Association representatives about the minor who watched/download dangerous content. The representatives arranges for the minor a meeting with the psychologist or teacher about Internet safety. If, as a result of the meeting, the psychologist/teacher receives information that the minor is being harmed, he or she takes the actions described in the intervention procedure.   
  1. In case of the Internet access under the supervision of HF Association employee, he or she is always obliged to inform minors about the rules of safe Internet use, and also supervises the safety of using computers with Internet access during classes. 



  1. The main goal of the "Blue Cards" is to improve the assistance offered by the School, but also to create conditions for a systemic, interdisciplinary model of working with the family. 
  2. If a minor comes to any employee at the Association and reports that he/she is a victim of violence, that employee should initiate the "Blue Card" procedure. 
  3. The "Blue Cards" procedure is used every time an intervention is undertaken in the event of suspected harm to a minor, described in Chapter 3. 
  4. The "Blue Cards" procedure constitutes a separate form of HF Association.
  5. The "Blue Cards" procedure is attached as Appendix 4 to these standards. 



  1. The procedure for updating the Standard takes place at least once every 2 years. 
  2. The representatives of the HF Association shall designate a person responsible for updating the Standards for the Protection of Minors. 
  3. The person designated by the Association representatives supervises the implementation of the Standards, responds to their violation and coordinates changes in the Standards, while maintaining a register of notifications and proposed changes. 
  4. The person responsible for implementation of the standards is obliged to conduct a survey among Association employees (at least once a year), the template of which is attached as Appendix 5 to these Standards. 
  5. After conducting the survey, a report is prepared, based on the completed forms. The report shall be later presented to the Association representatives.
  6. In the survey, employees may propose changes to the Standards and indicate violations of the Standards at the HF Association. 
  7. When monitoring the Standards, the HF Association representatives may appoint a person to conduct a survey among minors regarding minors' awareness of the forms of assistance provided by the HF Association. A template for the survey is attached as Appendix 6 to these Standards. 
  8. The person responsible for implementation of the standards may appoint a coordinating team if she considers that such a team will contribute to better implementation of the Standards or will allow for a faster reaction in a situation when the Standards require updating. If necessary, he or she develops and introduces changes to the Standards and approves them. 
  9. The representatives of the HF Association introducethe necessary changes to the Standards and announce the new wording of the Standards for the Protection of Minors from Abuse to the HF Association staff. 



  1. The „Standards for the Protection of Minors" document is an HF Association document publicly available to the Association staff, minors and their parent/guardians.  
  2. The document is published on the HF Association's website and is available at the HF Association headquarters. 
  3. The HF Association employee gives the parent/guardian a declaration to sign that he or she has read the Standards, a template of which is attached as Appendix 2 to these Standards. The guardian in the statement can offer his suggestions. If there are any, the employee passes them on to the person responsible for implementing the Standards. 
  4. HF Association employees are obliged to familiarize minors with the Standards and discuss them in such a way that minors can understand them regardless of age and intellectual fitness. 



  1. The person responsible for supervising the implementation of the Standards for the Protection of Minors and responding to signals of their violation is a person named by president of the HF Association.
  2. A detailed description of the standards for the protection of minors is attached as Appendix 8.



  1. The Standards for the Protection of Minors come into force on the day of their announcement. 
  2. The announcement is made in a manner accessible to School employees, minors and their parents/guardians, in particular by sending the document electronically and by posting it on the website, as well as informing minors' parents via the electronic journal or by e-mail.









Appendix nr 8.

