
Your Vote, Your Choice action

This programme supports community organisations and informal groups which work in their local environments.

Your Vote, Your Choice action is a programme run by the Batory Foundation. This programme supports community organisations and informal groups which work in their local environments. All participants start community apiaries, run workshops for residents, monitor tree health, submit petitions or undertake other initiatives. Your Vote, Your Choice action makes it possible to achieve it in collaboration with local authorities and local environment. The most effective projects will be given the Super Local Government award.

The Homo Faber Association has been the coordinator of Your Vote, Your Choice action since 2016. We facilitate community initiatives in the Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie, Małopolskie and Lubelskie Voivodeships.  Numerous organisations and informal groups take part in our voivodeship workshops, seminars, visits and meetings, including nationwide ones, every year.

The last recruitment finished in February, 2022!


Coordination: Anna Dąbrowska

Funder: Fundacja Batorego

Due date of the project (2022 edition): 1 stycznia 2021 - 31 grudnia 2022

