In 2022, we received a grant for a two-year-long advocacy and monitoring work called “Invisible Residents” – advocacy of migrants in Lublin.
As part of the project:
We are going to monitor public institutions and municipal authorities. Moreover, we are going to check technology, procedural, substantive, mental and political barriers.
We will compile a report and recommendations together with a migrant consultation group. Then, possible solutions will be developed in collaboration with public entities (a specific change will be introduced in 14 areas). The 14 areas from the Intercultural Cities Index of the Council of Lublin, a network which includes Lublin, will constitute the substantive grounds for the work.
We offer free legal advice to migrants from the environments that we have not been familiar with so far in order to know their current needs and problems, and make the first contacts easier for them.
We will organise joint seminars and study visits in the cities that might inspire you. Working together will result in knowing each other better and building mutual trust, which will enable us to introduce permanent changes.
We will run two public service campaigns as well.
Coordination: Kristina Yonauskaite
Funder: Active Citizens Fund - National
Due date of the project: 01.08.2022 – 31.12.2023
Projekt finansowany przez Islandię, Liechtenstein i Norwegię z Funduszy EOG w ramach Programu Aktywni Obywatele – Fundusz Krajowy.