The aim of this project is to support the victims of criminal acts motivated by prejudice because of their ethnicity, religion, nationality or skin colour in order to minimise the consequences of these acts and help with finding the culprits.
There are 3 support centres in the cities with big migrant communities, that is, in Warsaw, Wrocław and Lublin.
The limited availability of free support for those victims was the reason for starting this project. It is a combination of security and intervention activities as well as advocacy work. Registration of cases and interventions and monitoring lawsuits will make it possible to effectively publicise such cases and to change the attitudes of the law enforcement authorities and the witnesses of racial harassment. What is more, it will enable activities which can change the way the law, organs and both state and local government institutions work.
As part of the collaborative partnership, we offer free legal, procedural and language assistance to the victims of criminal acts motivated by prejudice because of their ethnicity, religion, nationality or skin colour.
How do we help?
We run points of free legal advice. Legal aid is given by our lawyers and counsellors in two ways: remotely (via email, phone or communicators) and in-person in the headquarters of our organisations. Besides, our staff helps clients with all administrative matters. Our clients can count on assistance from our psychologists and mediators as well.
Meetings and consultations are both confidential and free and take place in compliance with safety rules of the victims.
Furthermore, we offer help in languages that allow communicating freely with those who need our assistance. If any need for translation should arise, it will be provided.
How to receive help?
When in Lublin, contact the Homo Faber Association:
Telephone: 602 430 868
When in Wrocław, contact the NOMADA Association:
Telephone: +48 791 576 459
When in Warsaw, contact the Association for Legal Intervention:
Telephone: 792 568 561
The Association for Legal Intervention provides free assistance to everyone in need.
Coordination: Marta Sienkiewicz
Funder: Active Citizens Fund - National
Due date of the project: 01.01.2021 – 30.09.2022
Projekt jest finansowany z Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego w ramach Aktywni Obywatele – Fundusz Krajowy. Działamy w ramach współpracy partnerskiej między Stowarzyszeniem Interwencji Prawnej i Stowarzyszeniem Nomada (operatorem finansowym projektu jest Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej).