If the war forced you to leave home, and before that you or your child:
- practiced sports,
- made art,
- sang,
- danced,
- played a musical instrument,
- participated in theater classes
and needs support to continue developing his talent – we are here to help with that!
If you currently live in Lublin or nearby areas and arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022, please fill out and send us the form.
We will contact you and make every effort to ensure that war and exile do not interrupt the development of your talents and abilities. Our goal is to support people who have found shelter from the war in Poland, on their way to (re)building their lives in a new country.
What is the Development Scholarship Program?
• The Program was launched in April 2022 by the Homo Faber Association in Lublin thanks to funds raised during the auction of artists' works organized by the Gdansk activists' community and the Arbuz Association as part of The “Sztuka bez granic” (“Art Without Borders”) campaign for refugees arriving from the Polish-Belarusian border. After the outbreak of war in Ukraine on February 24, it was decided that the funds will be allocated to support refugees, regardless of the country from which they had to flee.
• The Program allows people who found themselves in Lublin in connection with the war in Ukraine, to continue their creative and professional development (in the field of music, sports, dance, theater, visual arts) regardless of age.
• The recipients of the program are children, youth, adults and seniors.
• Support includes people living in Lublin and the surrounding area.
• The funds are intended primarily for activities aimed at the personal development of the scholarship holder, e.g. for paying for art or sports classes, participation in professional courses, purchasing of necessary equipment, outfits, etc. Funds may not be used for activities related to conducting business, securing the living situation and any activities that raise ethical concerns. Scholarship recipients do not receive cash directly.
• We try to support each person who turns to us, we focus on a specific person and his / her development needs.
• The mode of recruitment to our program is very friendly: a simple form, simple rules, a minimum of formalities. Thanks to good cooperation with cultural institutions and sports organizations in Lublin, scholarship holders benefit from their resources and infrastructure. We also try to employ refugees to conduct classes.
By November 2022, the Homo Faber Association managed to support more than 200 scholarship holders of the program from 15 regions of Ukraine located in the eastern, western, northern and southern parts of the country. The Program covered the costs of 1,261 hours of teaching. 11 refugee teachers were employed under the program.
Among our fellows are: winners of national and international music and art competitions, winners of sports competitions in various disciplines, professional singers and dancers, professional confectioners.
Areas of activity: music, dance, visual arts, sports, theatre, purchase of materials, costumes, tools and utensils
At present, the following permanent classes are conducted (individual and group), to which you can join: piano lessons (individual lessons), classical singing, violin (individual lessons), bandura (individual lessons), accordion (individual lessons), guitar ensemble (2 groups), choir (youth and children's group).
Rules of the scholarship program:
1. The Organizer of the scholarship program is the Homo Faber association with its Registered office at 41 Chopina Street, ap. 2, 20-023 Lublin, NIP 946 244 29 78, REGON 432738790
2. A Candidate is a person applying for a scholarship who changes his / her status to a scholarship holder when the scholarship is awarded.
3. The aim of the scholarship program is to support the development and abilities of people who arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022.
4. Recipients of the program can be both children and teenagers, as well as adults.
5. Applications of Candidates for the program are accepted electronically by filling out a questionnaire or by direct contact with the program Organizer or coordinators of individual departments of the Lublin Social Committee to Aid Ukraine.
6. The selection of a Candidate for the scholarship program and the provision of support is decided by a committee consisting of volunteers for the scholarship program and representatives of the Homo Faber Association.
7. Support includes people living in Lublin and its vicinity.
8. Scholarship funds are intended primarily for activities aimed at personal development of the Candidate e.g. for paying for art or sports classes, participation in professional courses, purchase of necessary equipment, outfits, plastic materials and others.
9. The funds may not be used for activities related to conducting business, securing the living situation and any activities that raise ethical concerns.
10. Scholarship recipients do not receive cash directly. All payments are made by the Organizer.
11. One of the forms of support may be the referral of the Candidate to an institution conducting free artistic, sports, training classes (including assistance in finding a suitable place and determining the conditions of admission by the institution).
12. The Candidate has the right not to take advantage of the offer proposed by the Organizer if its form or terms are not convenient for him. In such a situation, the Organizer tries to find another, optimal solution.
13. The scholarship holder is asked to inform the Organizer about the cancellation of the proposed form of scholarship and its reasons.
14. The Organizer reserves the right to change the date or suspend the recruitment of Candidates for the program.